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All you need is a free Trello account
How it Works?
Install Hipporello Service Desk power-up on Trello
Share form links and email addresses with customers
Receive forms and emails as Trello cards
Communicate with customers from Trello cards
Don't just take our word for it. Hear it from our customers.
Choose the plan that works for you
Starts with 14-days Premium Trial
Unlimited Agents
Unlimited Forms
Basic Automations
15 Trello Cards / Month
$10 / Per Agent (Trello Board Member)
All the goodness of free, and:
Custom Domain
Private Forms
Advanced Automations
Unlimited Trello Cards / Month
Contact Sales
All the greatness of Premium, and:
30-day onboarding program
Dedicated Customer Success Manager
Premium Technical Support
Custom Solutions
Prices do not include applicable taxes, which are determined according to your billing address.
The final price can be seen on the purchase page, before payment is completed.
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