

Trello for Marketing & Creative Teams - The Ultimate Guide

Trello for Marketing & Creative Teams - The Ultimate Guide

Blogging, social media, email marketing, SEO, SEM..the list goes on and on. There are hundreds of ways to get your message into the world, but millions of other business owners are doing the same thing. Marketing can feel like a losing game. Not only do you have to come up with clever campaigns and track their progress, but you also have to juggle multiple projects at once and keep everyone on your team on the same page. This job is much more straightforward when using Trello for marketing teams. 

When disparate marketing tactics fit together perfectly, you can make marketing magic for the company. Tools, processes, and sleek, user-friendly workflows are keys to successful marketing, and with Trello and Power-ups (Trello integrations), you can create and manage almost any type of marketing and creative process! Trello is a beneficial tool for marketing teams and with Trello power-ups that are built specifically for marketing and creative teams, you can even enhance your productivity. Let’s dive into the ideas for improving team communication and marketing implementation on Trello.

Why is Trello the productivity tool that marketing teams need? 

Some old-school marketing professionals will remember the days of whiteboards and hard copy edits, but today most teams work virtually. Productivity tools can take a marketing team from a disorganized mess to a smoothly running machine, but marketing professionals must choose the right tools to make it happen. Every day, more software and app solutions pop up, promising to be the last tool marketing teams will ever need. 

In reality, Trello for marketing and creative teams, linked with specifically designed Trlelo Power-ups or templates, will create the framework your team needs to stay productive, even if you’re scattered in cities around the globe. 

The right software is only the beginning—after all, it’s challenging to build a house without blueprints, even if you have all the right tools. With the rise of remote work in 2020, studies found more than 40% of marketers switched to Kanban boards as a replacement for physical boards to create product launches and strategic marketing plans. 

Kanban for marketing and creative professionals 

Trello is an excellent tool for project management and provides an easy way to use the Kanban method. The Trello design makes it intuitive to organize tasks, priorities, and deadlines using customizable boards, lists, and cards. Kanban focuses on visual representation, and Trello can move information between three primary columns quickly: To-Do, Doing, and Done (or any categories that fit your specific needs). This allows users to quickly see progress and adjust details at any point in their project's timeline while making it simple to set goals, break down tasks and see the workflow flow.

Moreover, Trello allows users to set deadlines and easily assign tasks so multiple projects can be managed simultaneously within marketing and cross-functional teams. Trello is straightforward and intuitive to learn and powerful enough to accommodate complex Kanban projects across groups of any size.

As Trello is built on the same principles as Kanban-based project management, it offers lots of benefits and added features that provide users with enhanced organizational controls, including:

  • Tracking which tasks have been completed and which are still pending. 

  • The ability to assign tasks and view what tasks are posted to each team member at a glance.

  • Customizable Trello boards and lists for improved efficiency.

  • Tags, labels, color-coding, and more visual cues to help team members find their projects and the status of others’ projects.

trello for marketing

Benefits of using Trello as a marketing and creative team

Trello is more than a solution with birds-eye view planning and strategy; it’s also the perfect solution for day-to-day marketing work and can keep your team on the same page, minimize wasted time, and ensure consistency throughout the team. The main areas Trello focuses: 

  • Workflow management

  • Collaboration

  • Strategic Bird’s Eye View

  • Marketing Calendar

  • Content & Social Media Project Management

Discover Trello Power-Ups for Marketing

Workflow management on Trello

Trello boards and cards are ideal for creating a workflow from brainstorming to analysis and everything in between. You can expand each step to suit your team’s needs. Individual projects on Trello for marketing teams should be added to cards, which hold everything the designer needs—design directions, copy, artwork, or photos—and conversations between team members to add context.

With Trello enhanced with Power-Ups, workflow management can be even more productive for marketing professionals. Trello allows you to connect with your marketing automation tools such as Hubspot CRM, Slack, or Mailchimp. Moreover, with Trello Power-ups for request forms or approvals, it is also possible to manage the marketing process in a centralized workflow.

Trello Editorial Calendar Screen Shot

Collaboration on Trello

Collaborative teams can break down complex projects into simple tasks that are easier to tackle, assign tasks to different team members, comment on and discuss tasks in one place, create checklists, and stay on top of who is doing what.  Rather than losing information in Slack messages or email threads, collaboration can be tracked inside, which is a great resource offered by Trello for marketing and creative professionals. This helps marketing teams stay organized while maintaining constant communication. 

Strategic Bird’s Eye View on Trello

There’s no better way to show the value of marketing than with regular reporting and review. With Trello for marketing teams and Power-ups, marketing leaders can review the status of projects and campaigns and easily report activities to senior leadership. This birds-eye view of marketing activity also helps define what’s working and allows for adjustment.

Create a Marketing Calendar on Trello

Trello is a handy tool for managing a marketing calendar. The way it organizes projects, tasks, and ideas into boards creates a transparent organization system, which is critical for any successful marketing campaign. You can create timelines, set due dates, and assign team members to different tasks. As your campaigns evolve and change, it’s also easy to adjust timelines and move projects around accordingly. Moreover, Trello offers calendar view, allowing you to track cards on a calendar or if you want to bring perspective to due dates, Calender Power-up can be beneficial as well.

Content & Social Media Management on Trello

Creative and content production processes usually involve different parties with tiny bits of tasks. It is why Trello is a great tool to bring internal and external teams together to create, edit, and produce content while keeping an eye on the publishing schedule and distribution plan. You can take advantage of already-created content and social media templates for Trello to kick-start social media and content management on Trello. 

Additionally, customizing checklists helps ensure nothing gets overlooked throughout the process. Trello for marketing teams simplifies the whole process while providing tremendous flexibility, especially with Kanban workflows and Power-ups for Trello. 

Trello Power-ups are available for adding features like automation for recurring tasks, card sharing, and approvals. With a centralized Trello hub for marketers, your entire process is integrated into one place instead of spread through multiple apps or communication tools. Hipporello Power-ups are designed to increase productivity with non-Trello members. With web-interfacing Trello Power-ups by Hipporello, it is possible to publish information from the Trello board and collect information to your board. 

Trello Power-ups by Hipporello for Marketing and Creative Teams

Hipporello's Power-Ups are designed to give more power to your Kanban-based project management on Trello. Here are a few ways our Power-ups for marketing can level up your marketing and creative processes.

Trello for Collecting Marketing and Creative Requests

With Hipporello’s Marketing Requests Power-up, it’s easy to create new assignments on Trello for marketing teams, both internally and outside stakeholders. You can build and publish marketing request forms on a web portal to collect information to your Trello board. New requests are automatically added as a card to your marketing workflow with all the assets in one place. Also, with the conversation module, you can connect with the requester directly from the card, keeping the information on a centralized hub. 

Try Marketing Request Power-Up

Start for free - No credit card required

Trello for Blogging

Blogging can be easier than ever with Hipporello’s Blog Power-Up. Marketing teams can share ideas and write content within Trello that need to publish through the platform to a public-facing site within minutes. All the blog posts are created from Trello cards and blogs can be published by dragging and dropping between Trello lists. You can design and customize your blog to match your existing website or brand.

Trello Blog Power-up

Trello for Outside Team Collaboration

Keep everyone in the loop by sharing your Trello boards with other groups in your company using Hipporello’s Card Share Power-up on Trello for marketing teams' visibility. This way, you can avoid duplicating work, get feedback and input from other departments, and ensure everyone is always on the same page. 

Trello Card Share Power-up

Bonus: Trello for Marketing and Digital Agencies

Trello is one of the best ways to manage your marketing team and projects, and with Hipporello’s ready-made Power-ups, marketing becomes even easier. Discover what you can achieve with Hipporello's solutions for agencies, or learn more about our No-Code App Builder to find the perfect fit for any marketing need your team can envision!

Discover Trello Power-Ups for Marketing

Discover Trello Power-Ups for Marketing